Ellanore is Green Campus HQ where we are developing The Green Camp System and Green Campus Programs.
Green Campus Ellanore is where we are developing the plans and designs for The Green Camp System. It's where we are setting up the first of our massive 3D printers we have designed, our prototype structures and also where we are developing the first our first Regenerative Programs.
The setting is picturesque: a beautiful thatched cottage the middle of a field by the sea behind East HEad lagoon. The cottage has room for 8 people inside (four doubles or 8 singles), room for (8 or more) people in the prototype Green Campus structures outside and more space in the garden for camping.
There is also a classroom space, large enough to host about 10 yogis for a yoga class or 40 people for a seated seminar or celebration. Initially the classroom space is a marquee structure with event floor but we will be building the first structures 3D printed from our amazing bio-composites at the monthly Dhamma Weekend Build Parties.
The breathtaking natural beauty of the surrounding area provides further space for us to utilise: weather it's just relaxing on the beach or getting stuck into kitesurfing, paddle-boarding, wing-foiling, sailing, kayaking or any of the other water-sports the area is famous for: having the ocean here really open's the world up to us...
The Ancient Kingly Vale Forest is treed by beings who were old when Lord Buddha and Jesus were alive: the largest and oldest yew tree forest in Europe looks over us at the dunes of East Head Lagoon and Chichester Harbour. Just a short run along the waterside toe-path, ones arrives in the incredibly peaceful village of Itchenor.
We hope you will come join us in developing systems that seek to be of greatest benefit to all life. Please see the catered and self catered accommodation options available for Green Campus members below. Please also find the Green Campus Programs that we are hosting below too.
Book a stay in one of our existing structures or pre-order a stay so that we can raise the funds to build them.
A 6 metre diametre dome with wood burning stove that can be arranged as a double room or a dorm for 6-8 people.
A dome for six to share with big fluffy beds and it's own private hot water shower and outdoor flushing loo!
Our focus is on education (having fun): training up our community to have very strong spiritual, social, ecological and economic literacy so that we co-create whole systems integrated designs, ecosystem designs for products and services that provide for our needs in a way that has a regenerative environmental footprint: thus we create regenerative assets for the company and it's shareholders and the planet! Read our about page for more.
You see some beautiful things staying with us, all made from our 100% non-toxic, 100% plant-based bio-materials made from Algae and food-waste.
Our Green Camp System and modular subassemblies seek to provide for all of our needs and creature comforts in a way that is beneficial to all life, or, at least harms none.
100% non-toxic, 100% plant based, Tg of 140C, a strength (tensile modulus) of 120Mpa, a flexural modulus (stiffness) of 43GPa. Price per KG
UPM Formi biocomposite has high performance qualities with lower carbon footprint than fossil-based materials. Price per KG
The Green Campus Journal chronicles the latest journal entries from all green team members. Look out for the monthly Green News Show for an in-depth update about what's been going on!