Georgia Pine

350 hr yoga teacher, Children and Teens yoga teacher


My yoga practice started ten years ago, following a suggestion that it would help with anxiety. Yoga slowly but surely became an integral part of my life.
While the physical practice keeps the body healthy, the philosophical and spiritual roots of yoga look after the mind.

During the pandemic, I practised yoga twice a day, meditated, and read about the history and philosophy of yoga. This was when I made the transition from practising for myself, to wanting to teach others.

I now have 350 hours of Yoga Alliance certified training, including yoga for children and teens. I’ve taught yoga to a wide range of people including lifeguards, MMA fighters, people whose GP has recommended yoga, those returning to exercise, dancers, surfers, and more. I’ve taught at numerous locations across Cornwall and West Sussex.

I am passionate about improving and sustaining physical health, with classes focusing on strength, mobility, injury prevention, and functional health. But yoga is imperative to a healthy mind too. ‘Vinyasa’ means to place intentionally, so elements of flow psychology come into play, meaning your yoga practice becomes a moving meditation. If you’ve ever struggled with seated, silent meditation, yoga is for you.

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  • Half-Day  (3-4 hours):
  • Full-Day (6-8 hours): £250
  • Weekend Retreat (Friday-Sunday): £500

    If you would like to book one of our people to be part of your retreat, fill out the application form below selecting which team members you would like to join and for what dates. An email will automatically be sent to each team member you apply for with the info you put down and you can start to work together to put a package together for you.

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